FaithHealthNC John Hatch Lecture Series
This lecture series is named in commemoration of the pioneering work of Dr. John W. Hatch. His esteemed career includes over 50 years of experience in the areas of faith, health and community organization with a special focus on underserved communities and social justice. (Archive of Lectures through 2022)
- 9th Annual John W. Hatch FaithHealth Lectures & Symposium, Activating Change: Health Justice in the 21st Century. Tuesday, December 3, 2024, in-person in Wake Forest University, Benson University Center, Winston-Salem, North Carolina and virtual.
Keynote speaker: Dr. Leandris Liburd, acting director for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Office of Health Equity.
Sponsor: The symposium is a collaboration with the General Baptist State Convention of North Carolina, the National Association of Community Health Centers, UNC Gillings School of Global Public Health, and Wake Forest University School of Medicine.
- 8th Annual John W. Hatch FaithHealth Lecture Series, Transforming the Narrative: Amplifying Voices, Addressing Disparities, Promoting Justice. Tuesday, November 28, 2023, in-person in Rocky Mount, North Carolina and virtual.
Keynote speaker: Dr. James H. Johnson, Jr., William R. Kenan Jr. Distinguished Professor of Strategy and Entrepreneurship in the Kenan-Flagler Business School and Director of the Urban Investment Strategies Center in the Frank Hawkins Kenan Institute of Private Enterprise at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
Sponsor: FaithHealth Division-Atrium Health Wake Forest Baptist; Co-sponsors: Opportunities Industrialization Center;
General Baptist State Convention of North Carolina;
Maya Angelou Center for Health Equity;
National Association of Community Health Centers;
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Gillings School of Global Public Health;
Caucus on Public Health and the Faith Community, APHA;
Community-Campus Partnerships for Health;
Wake Forest University School of Divinity;
North Carolina Community Engagement Alliance Against COVID-19 Disparities.
- 7th Annual John W. Hatch FaithHealth Lecture Series, Speaking Truth — Seeking Reconciliation. Tuesday, November 29, 2022, in-person at United Metropolitan Missionary Baptist Church (UMMBC), Winston-Salem, NC and virtual.
Agenda Speaker bios
Recording of the virtual portion
Keynote speaker: Michael Curry, Esq., President and CEO of the Massachusetts League of Community Health Centers.
Other distinguished speakers include Dr. John Hatch, Rev. Dr. Alvin Armstead, Senior Pastor, United Metropolitan Missionary Baptist Church; Rev. Dr. Ricky L. Banks, President, General Baptist State Convention of NC; Mr. E. Benjamin Money, Jr., Senior Vice President, Public Health Priorities, National Association of Community Health Centers; Dr. Goldie Smith Byrd, Director, Maya Angelou Center for Health Equity; Rev. Dr. Gary Gunderson, Vice President, FaithHealth Division, Atrium Health Wake Forest Baptist; Rev. Enrique Catana Ramiro, Community Health Worker, FaithHealth Division, Atrium Health Wake Forest Baptist; Ms. Lyvonne Bovell, Development Manager, Metropolitan Village, UMMBC / First West End, LLC, Winston-Salem, NC; Tony V. Locklear, Quality Improvement Coordinator, Hoke County Health Department; and Rev. Jeffrey Simms, Assistant Professor, Department of Health Policy and Management, UNC Gillings School of Global Public Health.
Sponsor: FaithHealth Division-Atrium Health Wake Forest Baptist; Co-sponsors: General Baptist State Convention of North Carolina, Maya Angelou Center for Health Equity, National Association of Community Health Centers, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Gillings School of Global Public Health
A 37-minute interview with John W. Hatch, DrPH, MSW, conducted before the event by Jeffrey Simms, MSPH as part of the Seventh Annual John W. Hatch FaithHealth Lecture.
- 6th Annual John Hatch Lecture Series, Tuesday, November 30, 2021, via Webinar. Mental Health—An Expanded Landscape
Keynote speaker: Victor Armstrong, MSW, Chief Health Equity Officer, NC Department of Health and Human Services
Other distinguished speakers include Dr. John Hatch; E. Benjamin Money, Jr., MPH, Senior Vice President, Public Health Priorities, National Association of Community Health Centers; Davida Loren Haywood, Vice President of Student Affairs, Johnson C. Smith University; Leonzo D. Lynch, President, General Baptist State Convention of NC; Bobby G. Baker, Chief Community Engagement Officer, Christ Community Health Systems;Goldie Smith Byrd, Director, Maya Angelo Center for Health Equity; Cornell Wright, Executive Director, Office of Minority Health and Health Disparities; and Gary Gunderson, Vice President, FaithHealth Division, Atrium Health Wake Forest Baptist.
This event was provided by the FaithHealth Division of Wake Forest Baptist Health in partnership with the National Association of Community Health Centers and Johnson C. Smith University.
An interview with John W. Hatch, DrPH, MSW, conducted October 24, 2021 by Cornell P. Wright, MPA as part of the Sixth Annual John W. Hatch FaithHealth Lecture.
- 5th Annual John Hatch Lecture Series, Tuesday, December 1, 2020, via Webinar. Keynote speakers include: 1) Dr. Somava Saha (aka Soma Stout), Executive Lead for Wellbeing In the Nation (WIN) Network; Founder and Executive Lead for Well-being and Equity (WE) in the World; Founder and Executive Lead for 100 Million Healthier Lives. Dr. Saha is the former Vice President at the Institute for Healthcare Improvement. (Recording)
2) Richard “Stick” Williams, the former Vice President of Corporate Community Affairs at Duke Energy Corporation and President of the Duke Energy Foundation. He is also a member of the Board of Commissioners of Atrium Health. Other speakers will include Dr. John Hatch; Rev. Dr. Johnny B. Hill, Dean of Shaw University Divinity School and Founder and President of The World House; Rev. Dr. Vergel Lattimore III, President and Professor of Pastoral Psychology and Counseling at Hood Theological Seminary; E. Benjamin Money, MPH, Deputy Secretary for Health Services-N.C. Department of Health and Human Services; Margaret “Maggie” Sauer, MHA, MS, Director- Office of Rural Health at the N.C. Department of Health and Human Services; and Rev. Dr. Jonathan Lee Walton, Dean and Presidential Chair in Religion and Society at Wake Forest University School of Divinity, Dean of Wait Chapel at Wake Forest University.
This event was provided by the FaithHealth Division of Wake Forest Baptist Health and Shaw University Divinity School.
- 4th Annual John Hatch Lecture Series, Tuesday, December 3, 2019 at Shaw Divinity School. Keynote lecturer: Dr. Howard Koh, Harvey V. Fineberg Professor of the Practice of Public Health Leadership, Harvard University. The afternoon keynote lecturer was Secretary Michael Regan. (full program)
- 3rd Annual John W. Hatch FaithHealth Lecture, November 27, 2018 at Estey Hall Auditorium, Shaw University. Keynote lecturer: Rev. William Barber, II.
- 2nd Annual John W. Hatch FaithHealth Lecture Series, Tuesday, November 28, 2017 at Conetoe Missionary Baptist Church, Conetoe, NC. Keynote lecturer: Rev. Richard Joyner, Pastor of Conetoe Baptist Church.
- 1st Annual John W. Hatch FaithHealth Lecture Series, November 29, 2016, United Metropolitan Missionary Baptist Church, Winston-Salem. Guests of Honor:
Dr. John Hatch - William Rand Kenan Jr. Professor Emeritus, Department of Health Behavior and Health Education University of North Carolina Gillings School of Global Public Health; and Co-Founder, First Health and Human Services Program, General Baptist State Convention of NC
Dr. Jack Geiger - Arthur C. Logan Professor Emeritus, Community Medicine, City University of New York Medical School; and Medical Director/Founder, First Community Health Center in a rural community in the U.S.
Dr. Clifford Jones, Sr. - Senior Pastor, Friendship Missionary Baptist Church, Charlotte, NC; and Past President, General Baptist State Convention of NC, Inc.